Smoking is hazardous to one’s health as it causes respiratory and cardiovascular diseases as lung cancer and strokes. You may decrease the possibility of getting these diseases if you put an end to smoking and there are many aids that may assist you quit smoking. You could try them all and find one that works for you but it is important that you consult your doctor on the numerous smoking aids available. Your will and determination is the most economical smoking aid. With no motivation and commitment, even the dearest of smoking aids cannot help you put an end to your smoking.
Nicotine replacement therapy, or just simply NRT, is one of the aids available to help you quit smoking. In this therapy, you are provided with nicotine in measured doses and it helps ease nicotine withdrawal symptoms. The fact that cigarettes contain poisonous s and carcinogenic materials whereas NRT only have nicotine is what differentiates nicotine replacement therapy from cigarettes.
Nicotine replacement therapy slowly decreases the quantity of nicotine in very dose making it possible for you to stay away from nicotine when utilized as instructed. You have a selection of nicotine gums, nasal sprays, lozenges, patches and inhalers as far as nicotine therapy is concerned. One thing you ought to understand about nicotine is that it is very addictive and it is for this reason you are advised to follow the directions provided when using the nicotine replacement therapy.
There are various other aids, separate from nicotine replacement therapy, in the form of medication, that can assist you put an end to your smoking such as varenicline tartrate and bupropion. Bupropion is a type of anti-depressant whose mechanism is to reduce the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal while varenicline tartrate is a treatment that sets off in part the nicotinic receptors in the brain and in so doing reduces one’s desire for nicotine once you put your smoking to an end. If you smoke while taking the drug, you will not get any satisfaction because it blocks the nicotine in the cigarettes from binding with the receptors.
The medications may only be prescribed by a physician although hypnosis and acupuncture are other aids that may assist you stop smoking. By altering your mindset, hypnosis opens you up to suggestions and this is why it is utilized to help individuals put an end to their smoking. Acupuncture is utilized as nicotine addiction treatment but the fact that acupuncture and hypnosis may not suit you though they may appear to work for other people is one thing you should understand.